Senin, 31 Desember 2012

New year's eve of 2013

2012 passed. 2013 in future. Thanks Allah, I can breath until this year.
Different from the days of the new year usually. This time I join the new year in Banda Aceh. Since the car-free-day, now in Banda Aceh there are also car-free-night. all the people gathered to see the turn of events this year, looks fantastic with the burning fireworks. New Year's Eve celebrations in Aceh is different from the others. Not just a rah-rah tone up in 2013, but it is also accompanied by the prayer and pengajian are held together in some mosques. This terms illustrates Aceh has risen from fear and sadness. advanced towards Aceh and upholding religious values​​.

Every time we are always going to change for the better. hopefully. I can maximize work and complete as expected. Reach all the targets and dreams that have been designed. Intend in the heart and do it by yourself. If not yourself, who else. Trust the process and let it flow, always learning from anywhere.

keep praying + keep studying = dreams come true. 
love and dont get away from the little things of the dreams that we have, it will bring us one step close to reality. act "as if" we've got it.

Location: Simpang 5, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

*correct me if I am wrong*

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